Rock Throwing Incidents – Taxi Vehicles

May 27, 2022

Public Service Announcement
Rock Throwing Incidents – Taxi Vehicles
May 27 2022 – Iqaluit, Nunavut

The City of Iqaluit would like to advise residence that complaints have been received in respect to rocks being thrown at vehicles along our roadways, particularly Taxi Vehicles by youths.

Taxi vehicles are the main source of public transportation in Iqaluit, and the incidents of rock throwing places many individuals at risk including the occupants of the vehicle and other road users.

Such an activity is extremely dangerous, illegal, and can cause significant damage to vehicles as well as cause serious injury and even death.

Rocks thrown at vehicles have the potential to injure or cause death to motorists as the rock can pass through the glass hitting the driver or passenger. It can also cause the driver to lose control of the vehicle and crash, due to the sudden shock of the unexpected rock hitting the vehicle.

The City encourages all residents of Iqaluit to be mindful while commuting and report any incidents of rock throwing at vehicles to the RCMP.

The City also encourages everyone to talk to youths about the dangers associated to throwing rocks at moving vehicles.

For additional information, please contact:
Rod Mugford

Chief Enforcement Officer
City of Iqaluit
867-979-5670 |
